About Me

My photo
Sydney, Australia
A hopeful emerging filmmaker

A dot.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I love this. So far its everything I hoped. And I have hardly even made a dot in the industry. A dot would even be pushing it.

Hopefully one day it WILL be a dot. Then a step. Then a leap. And one day even a fucking jumping castle.

I will prevail.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
66 Recaps down.
168 to go.
Bring it on.

The little things

Monday, April 26, 2010


Lest We Forget

Saturday, April 24, 2010
They shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning,
We will remember them.

The poor sods.

I feel sorry for those people that analyse everything. Try enjoying life a little. You might surprise yourself.


Friday, April 23, 2010
Just a bit of pimping today! These dudes are awesome and if y'all are in the city then go check them out! I know I would if I could.

Wed Apr 28 10 10:00 PM NY, NY US
Address: 51 E 1st St, NY, NY, 10003, US
Details: Hosted by Tah Phrum Duh Bush

CIPH DIGGY and K. GAINES. Effing cool guys. Dont miss them!!

All good things come in 3

Thursday, April 22, 2010

1. So I'm back at TAFE. Term two. Pre-Production is underway and I'm starting production on my first ever film tomorrow. Okay so its ONLY a two minute bio on another student. But this is big for me and my class mates.

It will be the first time I direct, edit and produce my own content.

So ermmm... YAY!

2. DOOL.
I have started watching the famous Days Of Our Lives. Yep. You heard right. I can hardly believe it myself. But seriously? How can I not watch it. You twitter folk are always talking about it. And so far I am enjoying me some Bo/Carly. And LOL, its so different from Guiding Light. And I know its said a million and one times but... I miss Olivia freakin Spencer. Carly doesn't have that Sass.

26 Recaps down. 201 to go. Thank you YouTube.

3. You know in public toilet cubicles and people have written really foul horrible things on the walls? Well at TAFE I saw this in the girls cubicle. Its the only thing there. It made me all kinds of happy. Thought I would share it with everyone. A message like that should be everywhere.


Monday, April 19, 2010
I am sooooo effing excited. Seriously scream material right now.
Not going to say why yet. Im trying to not get my hopes up too much... well too late for that. I dont even know if this thing im excited about will happen. Its a long shot but im willing to take it.
Guess I'll confirm why im so excited in a few weeks... HOPEFULLY!



Friday, April 16, 2010
Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successful.
- (Buddha)

I want to believe

The unknown. I'm so curious, yet it scares me half to death sometimes.
Aliens, ghosts, magic, fairies, 'monsters', angels and all kinds of phenomenon.
Sure there have been sightings, stories and photographs of all these things but no cold hard proof. And that's what we humans need, right?

PROOF. Facts. Documentation.
What about whats in your heart? What you feel is real and whats not. What about what you yourself WANT to believe in?
Come on, that's the fun in it all. Believing in another world. Vampires. Spirits. Angels to watch over you while you sleep.
The unknown should remain unknown. It gives us all something to ponder about. Another reason to daydream.
Could we handle the truth anyway?

$60 later...

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Shocker of a day.
Do you ever have those nights when you feel like you just never went to sleep. Like your just tossing and turning all night and suddenly your alarm goes off? Thats what it was like for me last night/morning. So I wake up this morning feeling like I hardly got 10 minutes of sleep. Dilly Dallied around, checking twitter, email, youtube, blogs, facebook. Then WOW, 20 mins to get ready!
Finally was running out the door when I looked down and got the sudden urge to put stockings on. I will use the excuse that it was a cold morning.. but it was secretly because I needed to shave my legs (yes, I just blogged about that. And yes, I just crossed a line). #getoverit
Well running back into the house throwing my entire sock drawer all over my room looking for the stockings I havent worn for about a year. I found them, tucked up next to my school socks, which just prooves how long its been since I last laid eyes on them.
So here I was, hoping around my room on one leg trying to get these blasted things on.
When all of a sudden. STILLNESS.
I was bent over and feeling a horrible pain in my lower back. This sort of thing has never happened to me. My back has always been LOVELY. Not a worry in the world.
So the whole day I couldnt bend or sit. All kinds of AWKWARD.
Went to the doctor and she told me to just lay down alot, take panadol and not to sit if I can help it. Soo... $60 dollars later. Im blogging about my ache of a back and unshaven legs.
Nice Hayley.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Just got home from a karate class. YAY!
I dont know exactly what it is about that sport but I AM IN LOVE with it.
The disipline, the confidence building, the levels & stages you have to progress through, the technique and the respect.
If I had to make a pro/con list, the con list would be completly empty. Hell, I even love the uniforms! They are just so damn snug!I've Started going twice a week. Kinda want to go 5 times though..
Think that would be extreme..?

I want...

Monday, April 12, 2010
I'm sitting here at work with my pen and paper. Just sitting and thinking. Daydreaming about the future.
I know people say you should 'Live in the present' or 'Live in the NOW'. But I cant help myself. I wonder if all my dreams will come true. I know they wont if I just sit here and don't act on them. I do believe everything I'm doing now will bring me one step closer to my goals.
I guess the main thing I want to achieve in life is what many people have most probably said before. "I want to be able to change peoples lives." or at least have some kind of impact in a positive way, be it small or large.
How do I distinguish myself from the other many people? The difference is.. I'M GOING TO DO IT.
After writing that last sentence I stood here for about 5 minutes wondering what to write next. I think I'll just explain why the hell this is something I want to do.
Yep, that's right. Television.. Film... Stories.
I don't care what other people think. This is something that I've always loved. Being able to escape in worlds that don't exist. (Not that this world isn't fabulous!).
Getting to see the inside world of stars hollow, taking a trip in Rome with Xena, walking through New York with Carrie Bradshaw, Having coffee at Central Perk with those 6 friends, and living vicariously through Clark Kent's adventures.
To be able to watch somebody elses life (and I know it isn't real), I find that to be a luxury. But the BEST think about film (in my opinion) is the emotions I am able to witness.
My heart almost stops with Dawson and Joey, It gets butterflies from Olivia and Natalia, I laugh with Jack and Karen, I feel anger towards smoking man, I cry with Izzy Stevens and Die with Buffy.
I think that's why I respect and admire so many actors and actresses. They make those worlds believable. They pour their heart and souls into their character and they allow us to see it and believe it.
I want to be able to tell stories, not in the writing form but in the visual form. I want to either edit, direct, produce... anything to do with putting a story together. There are so many different roles in film production I think I'll just try a bit of everything.
Why TV so much? Because of the time period. With Movies, your only in that world for 2 hours. They are great.. but its over before you know it. TV shows, Sometimes they last for 6 or more years. You get to know the characters. You get to experience just about every emotion there is with them. You get to frolic through their world, as if it was your own.
I have heard the most wonderful stories of how film have touched peoples lives. I've heard of people getting through depression by watching certain movies over and over. Ive heard of people gaining motivation and courage through there favorite superheros. And when they feel like a cry, just turn on their favorite sappy romance.
But the most wonderful stories I have heard of through film is definitely those through the story of Otalia on the American soap Guiding Light. That story helped so many women around the globe I was just blown away by what I found. Gay AND straight. A story that was written with so much care, warmth and an unbelievable amount of love. I am still in awe at how the actresses delivered the story. They brought it to life, made it real and threw every single emotion into it.
This is what I want to be apart of some day. Something that digs deep. Something that will touch the audience.
I want to make people believe. I want to take people on a journey.


Saturday, April 10, 2010
Climbing up trees. Rolling in the grass. Laughing at nothing in particular except our own stupidity. I start to believe my childhood dreamworld of Neverland in the movie 'Hook', is a reality. Of course the rainbow food and 3 moons dont exist but if you look closely, they are there. Just in a different form. The child inside of me is one of my best friends. I think I will always hold it close to my heart.

Of course this doesnt mean I dont enjoy being an adult at times. :-)
Which do I prefer? A 'Pirate' or a 'Lost Boy'

I think I'll take the best of both worlds.


Friday, April 9, 2010


A Quiet Place in a Busy World

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Dear Blog.
Today I worked.
It was boring.
Boring is not necessarily bad.
When I'm bored, I daydream.
When I daydream I smile.
So lets start again shall we?
Dear Blog.
Today I smiled.
Love Hayley.

I will look it in the face

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I just awoke to my alarm. I'm not gonna lie, it was horrid and I've never been a morning person.

The plans for the day,
*Dinner with friends
*Farewell to a friends house (shes moving)
*Letting go

My friend is moving about 40 minutes away, its not much and your probably thinking, wow drama queen. But the memories we had in that granny flat were ones ill keep forever.

Change is a huge thing, sometimes it can be bad, other times great. I've had both experiences. I've learnt to accept change and see where it takes me.

There have been so many times I have thought to myself "what if that never happened, where would I be now". When I should be saying this, "Wow, look were I am now, look at the people I have met, and look at the person I have become because of it"

I think letting go is one of the hardest things anyone can do. Be it letting go of your child on life support, or letting go of your child on his first day of school.

One of the hardest changes I have been through is one that later down the track I became to realise was the greatest decision my parents made. I know I'm only young and have only just began to experience life, and all the changes, decisions, and hardships that come with it.

But I will embrace it.
I will look change in the face and understand it.
I will let it lead me in the direction it has planned.
And I will let go.

Those Moments.

Monday, April 5, 2010
Laughing so hard Im crying. Clutching my stomach because it hurts but I dont care.
Those are the moments I cherish. When everything seems to stop... for what feels like an eternity.
Being with the people whom I love the most and laughing for no particular reason is what makes this life worth every second.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

The 'L' Word.

Saturday, April 3, 2010
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

This is only one of the many definitions I found.
So I guess you could say im feeling a tad sentimental right now. I just came back from a romo hang with friends and we got to talking about love and all the things in between. Is it really like in the movies? Does it hurt? Is it warm? Is it complicated? or easy?

I guess coming from someone who has never been IN love before, im a bit on the confused side. Ive never really understood love. Hearing so many stories about it makes me scared for the day I finally do fall for someone. What if they break my heart? Will it shatter? And how long will it take for me to pick up the pieces?

This topic makes me wonder. Does the good out wiegh the bad? surely.


I guess I'll find out?

Tim Tams on Venice S2!

Thursday, April 1, 2010
I am OFFICIALLY a blogger. Wow i never thought Id see the day. So ill start by saying that im sorry to anyone who reads this and are dissapointed. Its more for my own benefit anyway.

Iv never been good with words and deep stuff so you may have to bare with me.

So right this second I am tweeting (as usual), so many people have asked me why I do it. I dont have an easy explanation for that, although I have tryed to explain and end up coming out looking like an idiot. The amount of diverse and wonderful people I have the pleasure of talking to is just unbelievable. All over the world, I am able to talk to people in Holland, America, Africa, Germany, Canada etc etc.

Thanks to Crystal, Kim and Hope, I have been brought into this most wonderful community full of so much support and love. A group of people who are just so utterly positive about every aspect... well except FUCBS. But thats a different story.

So yesterday I found out that OGJ gave Crystal and Kimmy the goods from us Aussies!
Nawwwwww. ------------>
She really loved the Tim Tams... haha. And if I didn't know any better Id say that OGJ was.. blushing?? well damn, I think I would have fallen over and died right there.

OGJ - "she was really kissing all of YOU. She said lets do this for Team Aussie. and then WHAMMO. She and KT were so thankful for all the kind words and amazing gifts from Team Aussie"

So now apparently Tim Tams are making an appearance in Season 2...

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