a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
This is only one of the many definitions I found.
So I guess you could say im feeling a tad sentimental right now. I just came back from a romo hang with friends and we got to talking about love and all the things in between. Is it really like in the movies? Does it hurt? Is it warm? Is it complicated? or easy?
I guess coming from someone who has never been IN love before, im a bit on the confused side. Ive never really understood love. Hearing so many stories about it makes me scared for the day I finally do fall for someone. What if they break my heart? Will it shatter? And how long will it take for me to pick up the pieces?
This topic makes me wonder. Does the good out wiegh the bad? surely.
I guess I'll find out?