I just awoke to my alarm. I'm not gonna lie, it was horrid and I've never been a morning person.
The plans for the day,
*Dinner with friends
*Farewell to a friends house (shes moving)
*Letting go
My friend is moving about 40 minutes away, its not much and your probably thinking, wow drama queen. But the memories we had in that granny flat were ones ill keep forever.
Change is a huge thing, sometimes it can be bad, other times great. I've had both experiences. I've learnt to accept change and see where it takes me.
There have been so many times I have thought to myself "what if that never happened, where would I be now". When I should be saying this, "Wow, look were I am now, look at the people I have met, and look at the person I have become because of it"
I think letting go is one of the hardest things anyone can do. Be it letting go of your child on life support, or letting go of your child on his first day of school.
One of the hardest changes I have been through is one that later down the track I became to realise was the greatest decision my parents made. I know I'm only young and have only just began to experience life, and all the changes, decisions, and hardships that come with it.
But I will embrace it.
I will look change in the face and understand it.
I will let it lead me in the direction it has planned.
And I will let go.