1. So I'm back at TAFE. Term two. Pre-Production is underway and I'm starting production on my first ever film tomorrow. Okay so its ONLY a two minute bio on another student. But this is big for me and my class mates.
It will be the first time I direct, edit and produce my own content.
So ermmm... YAY!
I have started watching the famous Days Of Our Lives. Yep. You heard right. I can hardly believe it myself. But seriously? How can I not watch it. You twitter folk are always talking about it. And so far I am enjoying me some Bo/Carly. And LOL, its so different from Guiding Light. And I know its said a million and one times but... I miss Olivia freakin Spencer. Carly doesn't have that Sass.
26 Recaps down. 201 to go. Thank you YouTube.
3. You know in public toilet cubicles and people have written really foul horrible things on the walls? Well at TAFE I saw this in the girls cubicle. Its the only thing there. It made me all kinds of happy. Thought I would share it with everyone. A message like that should be everywhere.