Shocker of a day.
Do you ever have those nights when you feel like you just never went to sleep. Like your just tossing and turning all night and suddenly your alarm goes off? Thats what it was like for me last night/morning. So I wake up this morning feeling like I hardly got 10 minutes of sleep. Dilly Dallied around, checking twitter, email, youtube, blogs, facebook. Then WOW, 20 mins to get ready!
Finally was running out the door when I looked down and got the sudden urge to put stockings on. I will use the excuse that it was a cold morning.. but it was secretly because I needed to shave my legs (yes, I just blogged about that. And yes, I just crossed a line). #getoverit
Well running back into the house throwing my entire sock drawer all over my room looking for the stockings I havent worn for about a year. I found them, tucked up next to my school socks, which just prooves how long its been since I last laid eyes on them.
So here I was, hoping around my room on one leg trying to get these blasted things on.
When all of a sudden. STILLNESS.
I was bent over and feeling a horrible pain in my lower back. This sort of thing has never happened to me. My back has always been LOVELY. Not a worry in the world.
So the whole day I couldnt bend or sit. All kinds of AWKWARD.
Went to the doctor and she told me to just lay down alot, take panadol and not to sit if I can help it. Soo... $60 dollars later. Im blogging about my ache of a back and unshaven legs.
Nice Hayley.
this great big world
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- $60 later...
- Seriously.
- Go-Kan-Ryu
- I want...
- Iwillnevergrowup.Iwillnevergrowup.Iwillnevergrowup.
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- I will look it in the face
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