I'm sitting here at work with my pen and paper. Just sitting and thinking. Daydreaming about the future.
I know people say you should
'Live in the present' or
'Live in the NOW'. But I cant help myself. I wonder if all my dreams will come true. I know they wont if I just sit here and don't act on them. I do believe everything I'm doing now will bring me one step closer to my goals.
I guess the main thing I want to achieve in life is what many people have most probably said before.
"I want to be able to change peoples lives." or at least have some kind of impact in a positive way, be it small or large.
How do I distinguish myself from the other many people? The difference is..
After writing that last sentence I stood here for about 5 minutes wondering what to write next. I think I'll just explain why the hell this is something I want to do.
Yep, that's right. Television.. Film... Stories.
I don't care what other people think. This is something that I've always loved. Being able to escape in worlds that don't exist. (Not that this world isn't fabulous!).
Getting to see the inside world of
stars hollow, taking a trip in Rome with
Xena, walking through New York with
Carrie Bradshaw, Having coffee at
Central Perk with those 6
friends, and living vicariously through
Clark Kent's adventures.
To be able to watch somebody elses life (and I know it isn't real), I find that to be a luxury. But the BEST think about film (in my opinion) is the emotions I am able to witness.
My heart almost stops with
Dawson and
Joey, It gets butterflies from
Olivia and
Natalia, I laugh with
Jack and
Karen, I feel anger towards
smoking man, I cry with
Izzy Stevens and Die with
I think that's why I respect and admire so many actors and actresses. They make those worlds
believable. They pour their heart and souls into their character and they allow us to see it and believe it.
I want to be able to tell stories, not in the writing form but in the visual form. I want to either edit, direct, produce... anything to do with putting a story together. There are so many different roles in film production I think I'll just try a bit of everything.
Why TV so much? Because of the time period. With Movies, your only in that world for 2 hours. They are great.. but its over before you know it. TV shows, Sometimes they last for 6 or more years. You get to know the characters. You get to experience just about every emotion there is with them. You get to frolic through their world, as if it was your own.

I have heard the most wonderful stories of how film have touched peoples
lives. I've heard of people getting through depression by watching certain movies over and over. Ive heard of people gaining motivation and courage through there favorite
superheros. And when they feel like a cry, just turn on their favorite
sappy romance.
But the most wonderful stories I have heard of through film is definitely those through the story of
Otalia on the American soap
Guiding Light. That story helped so many women around the globe I was just blown away by what I found. Gay AND straight. A story that was written with so much care, warmth and an unbelievable amount of
love. I am still in awe at how the actresses delivered the story. They brought it to life, made it real and threw every single emotion into it.
This is what I want to be apart of some day. Something that digs deep. Something that will
touch the audience.
I want to make people believe. I want to take people on a