So it has been a more than hectic few weeks. I decided that it was time for some much needed cash. I got a job. Then I got another one. Oops.
The first one was at Subway. Crap pay but really friendly people. It was a short lived job. I was a sandwich artist for no more than a week and a half and that suited me just fine. Because, thanks to Alex from twitter I know have such a fun, hard job with the coolest group of people. Its a cafe/bar called Coco Cubano and every shift, I get to pick my mood and stick it on my shirt with Velcro. Yesterday I was ‘SUPER’ and ‘HOT’ … I thought they went well together. I have had 2 shifts, one short one of 5 hours and one LONG one of 11.5 hrs. And oddly enough, they both flew by. I don’t have time to even look at the clock most of the time. And there is no need to exercise anymore with this job.

I sure have met some interesting people in only 2 nights. One that stood out was a lovely young fairy named Steve. He has put me under his gay wing and by the end of the month I think I will know all the dance moves from Bad Romance.
School has been just as full on. We had a 24 hour film shoot that was definitely an experience.
My role was producer/continuity. And it taught me a LOT about film making in 24 hours than any theory lesson could teach. Of course, the film that we made turned out pretty HORRID… just putting that out there. The sound was terrible as we were doing it outside and the wind was not cooperating. We crossed every cinematic line known to man. The camera ran out of battery near towards the end so we spent an hour posing in front of Binu’s camera whilst waiting for it to load. Which was probably a good thing because we had some fun laughing over nothing… (pretty sure the sun was making us go loopy)

Even though the finished product turned out bad, it was great, because it taught me so much in preparing for a shoot… everything needs to be taken into account because there is SO much that can fuck up.
So I suppose you could say that at the moment, in life… things are crazy. A good kind of crazy. I feel like my days all mash into each other. I go to school and by the time I get home its my bedtime. On the weekends, I work all night and sleep all day. With the little spare time I have Im doing homework, working on my script that never seems to get longer or watching a movie (Oh that’s another thing… Im catching up on the classic movies because Im sick of the shocked expressions at school when I say I’v never seen Forrest Gump)
I say its ‘crazy’ in relation to last year, which was me sitting on my ass and doing absolutly jack shit. So you can imagine how different it is.
But all in all, its great. Im loving it. Sydney is perfect. The only thing missing is a few people whom I miss very very much. I think they should either all relocate here. Or someone better invent a transporter, soonish.
P.S. I did watch Forrest Gump. I was also shocked in myself it took me so long to see it. What a seriously great film. I cried just a little... or a lot. Whatever.